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Slide installation

Collision is a panoramic work  consisting of five slide projections on five separate partitions, which are installed conform the circular shape of a lens aperture. The visitor stands, with the projectors, in the center. She can never fully oversee the five projections on which five slightly different views of one and the same scene are shown. The stage is a non-descript scrap yard in London (UK). The projections’  haziness and graininess  grant  the event  staying opaque.

5 slide projectors, 5 projector stands, 5 slides 24 x 36 mm, 5 wall partitions 170 x 140/170 x 190 cm

The work was first installed in 1997 in the Museum of Modern Art, Liege/Luik  Belgium and reconstructed for Solo#9 at Club Solo, Breda, 2016